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Immigration Appeals
Immigration Appeals
If your immigration application is unsuccessful you may have a right of appeal. Usually you will be notified of your right of appeal in you immigration decision letter from the UKBA or the Entry Clearance officer. Such appeals are heard in the UK in a number of centres around the country.
There are two tribunals:
a First-tier Tribunal and
an Upper Tribunal.
There is an Immigration and Asylum Chamber in each.
The Immigration and Asylum Chambers hear appeals on asylum, immigration, and nationality matters. The role of the First-tier Tribunal is to hear and decide appeals against decisions made by the UK Border Agency's officers in the UK or at diplomatic posts abroad who can issue visas.
One or more immigration judges may hear an appeal. They are sometimes accompanied by non-legal members of the tribunal. Immigration judges and non-legal members are appointed by the Lord Chancellor and are independent of the government.
If you make an appeal, you will usually attend the hearing with your legal representative. The UK Border Agency will also have a legal representative at the hearing.
The immigration judge, or panel, will decide whether your appeal against our decision is successful or not (this is known as the decision being 'allowed' or 'dismissed'). The tribunal's decision will be given to you in writing. It is called a 'determination'.
In certain circumstances you may be able to challenge a decision made by the First-tier Tribunal by applying to the Upper Tribunal. The UKBA may also apply to the Upper Tribunal to challenge a First-tier Tribunal decision.
If an appeal has been considered by the Upper Tribunal, in some circumstances it may be possible to challenge the decision by applying to the Court of Appeal.
If your immigration application is refused and you have been given a right of appeal it is important to act within the time limits to lodge the appeal otherwise you may be left with no further rights to remain in the UK. For in-country applications the time to lodge your appeal is within 14 days from the date of receipt of the refusal decision and for out of country applications the time is 28 days.
We are authorised by the OISC at level 3 to conduct appeals on your behalf. If you have such a matter you can contact us on 0116 2664680
If your immigration application is unsuccessful you may have a right of appeal. Usually you will be notified of your right of appeal in you immigration decision letter from the UKBA or the Entry Clearance officer. Such appeals are heard in the UK in a number of centres around the country.
There are two tribunals:
a First-tier Tribunal and
an Upper Tribunal.
There is an Immigration and Asylum Chamber in each.
The Immigration and Asylum Chambers hear appeals on asylum, immigration, and nationality matters. The role of the First-tier Tribunal is to hear and decide appeals against decisions made by the UK Border Agency's officers in the UK or at diplomatic posts abroad who can issue visas.
One or more immigration judges may hear an appeal. They are sometimes accompanied by non-legal members of the tribunal. Immigration judges and non-legal members are appointed by the Lord Chancellor and are independent of the government.
If you make an appeal, you will usually attend the hearing with your legal representative. The UK Border Agency will also have a legal representative at the hearing.
The immigration judge, or panel, will decide whether your appeal against our decision is successful or not (this is known as the decision being 'allowed' or 'dismissed'). The tribunal's decision will be given to you in writing. It is called a 'determination'.
In certain circumstances you may be able to challenge a decision made by the First-tier Tribunal by applying to the Upper Tribunal. The UKBA may also apply to the Upper Tribunal to challenge a First-tier Tribunal decision.
If an appeal has been considered by the Upper Tribunal, in some circumstances it may be possible to challenge the decision by applying to the Court of Appeal.
If your immigration application is refused and you have been given a right of appeal it is important to act within the time limits to lodge the appeal otherwise you may be left with no further rights to remain in the UK. For in-country applications the time to lodge your appeal is within 14 days from the date of receipt of the refusal decision and for out of country applications the time is 28 days.
We are authorised by the OISC at level 3 to conduct appeals on your behalf. If you have such a matter you can contact us on 0116 2664680