Just Legal Group Leicester specialists in Immigration Law, Employment Law, Wills & Personal Injury.

Just Immigration

We are regulated by the OISC to advise in all aspects of Immigration and Asylum law from Initial application to representation on Appeal at the Tribunal.

Just Employment

We can assist you in your employment dispute, including compromise agreements, advice and assistance at the Employment Tribunal.

Just Wills

We can assist you in preparation of your will to ensure your estate is given in accordance with your wishes.

OISC Regulated

Just Legal Group is are regulated to provide immigration advice by the OISC

We are regulated to provide immigration advice by the OISC Ref: F201100283

Just Legal Group is regulated by the Claims management regulator in respect of regulated claims management activities and its registration is recorded on the website:


Just Legal Group's certificate no is CRM27157 Just Legal Group is a trading name of Just Legal (Leicester) Limited


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The Income Requirements for spouse visa

Added on Wednesday 27th May 2015

The Income Requirements for spouse visa

The Income requirements under the Immigration rules for a person to bring their spouse to the UK is currently £18600 per annum (with certain exceptions.) This was previously challenged by the HOme office to the Court of Appeal which held that this amount was lawful. The Supreme Court granted permission to appeal that decision and heard that appeal earlier this year and we are awaiting the Judgement.
In the meantime the current requirements have to be met and if you can meet the income threshold then you should apply.

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